CLYC Sunfish Racing Series
WHEN: Wednesdays & Saturdays
Late June through Early August
First Starting Sequence: 1:30pm
(recommended arrival time: 1:00pm)
WHO: All Youth and Adult Sailors Welcome!
*Participants are not required to be CLYC members
WHERE: Crooked Lake Yacht Club
As CLS students progress as sailors, instructors provide an introduction to sailboat racing. Many find competitive racing in a safe and relaxed environment improves their general sailing skills.
The Crooked Lake Yacht Club (CLYC) sponsors Sunfish races every Wednesday and Saturday late June through mid-August, and many Crooked Lake Sailors participate in these races. With instructor approval, registered students may use CLS sunfish to participate. Further, youth division sailors have their own start — allowing close competition on a line of their own.
There is no membership requirement to participate in CLYC races. However, all racers should check in with the Race Committee before racing (a parent/guardian signature is required for participants under 18 years of age using CLS equipment).
While all sailors are expected to conform with The Racing Rules of Sailing, many participants are learning to sail and race just want to have a good time! Racing experience is not needed to participate. However, if you are new to the sport, it advised to know your limits when the wind picks up. If you are having difficulties, a safety boat may be able to assist you; however, these volunteers cannot be expected to risk personal injury in rescue attempts. All sailors participate at their own risk, and a USCG approved PFD must be worn at all times.
If 2 or more youth skippers are participating, a youth start will take place immediately before the general start. Check in with RC to confirm.
The Course
Base Image source: Michigan Interactive (
The Starting Line (signified as S in the above diagram) is in front of CLYC. It consists of the Committee Boat and the S buoy.
The Race Committee (RC) announces the course before each race that includes one or more of 4 buoys:
Buoy 1 is toward Conway, usually off Graham Point
Buoy 2 is toward the middle of the lake, generally straight out from the Starting Line and CLYC
Buoy 3 is toward Oden Island/Oden Park, close to the large Sand Bar and the Channel
Buoy 4 (referred to as S) is the flag buoy that is part of the Starting Line.
All Sunfish, regardless of division, start at the same time. The RC will use whistles to aid racers in timing the start:
Many short whistles (- - - - - - - - - -…) = Attention! We’re about to begin the sequence!
3 long whistles (— — —) = 3 minutes to the Start
2 long whistles (— —) = 2 minutes
1 long, 3 short whistles (—, - - -) = 1 minute, 30 seconds
1 long whistle (—) = 1 minute
3 short whistles (- - -) = 30 seconds
2 short whistles (- -) = 20 seconds
1 short whistle (-) = 10 seconds
1 short whistle (-) will count down each second 5 - 1
1 long whistle (—) signals the Start
For more information or clarification, feel free to approach CLS staff, the RC, or other racers.